AmigActive 21
AACD 21.iso
Make HD Startup
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Text File
262 lines
;$VER: CD32 HD-Install 43.1 (09.02.97)
;Copyright © 1994 Elaborate Bytes, Oliver Kastl
(if (exists "S:Startup-Sequence.std")
( protect "S:Startup-Sequence.std" "-e +rwsd" )
(if (exists "S:Startup-Sequence")
( protect "S:Startup-Sequence" "-e +rwsd" )
(delete "S:Startup-Sequence")
(rename "S:Startup-Sequence.std" "S:Startup-Sequence")
(makeassign "CD32Inst" (safe))
(set #wbversion (getversion "libs:version.library"))
(set #wbversion (/ #wbversion 65536) )
(set #Expansion 1)
(set @default-dest "")
(complete 0)
(if (< #wbversion 39)
((abort "\n\nAmigaDOS 3.0 or higher is required for the CD32-Emulator! "
"\n\nAn upgrade will be needed for your Amiga." )
"\nThis program will install or remove a special \"S:Startup-Sequence\" for the CD32-Emulator. "
"With the help of this, you may directly boot from a CD32-CD if you press a function key during boot. "
"\n\nIf you wish to install, the CacheCDFS MUST be already installed and running! "
"\n\nWARNING: This program MUST NOT be started from the CDFS Install Disk!"
(makeassign "CD32Inst" "" (safe))
(if (NOT (exists "CD32Inst:PutPrefs"))
(abort "\n\nCould not find the PutPrefs program!")
(set #install
(prompt "\n\nDo you wish to install or remove the special \"S:Startup-Sequence\" ?")
(help "Choose if you wish to install, or if you wish to remove an installation.")
(default 1)
(choices "Install" "Remove")
(if (NOT #install)
(if (exists "S:Startup-Sequence.std")
( protect "S:Startup-Sequence.std" "-e +rwsd" )
(if (exists "S:Startup-Sequence")
( protect "S:Startup-Sequence" "-e +rwsd" )
(delete "S:Startup-Sequence")
(rename "S:Startup-Sequence.std" "S:Startup-Sequence")
(if (exists "C:KeyCheck")
(user 2)
(delete "C:KeyCheck"
(help "Select \"Proceed\", if you want C:KeyCheck to be deleted.")
(prompt "\n\nDelete C:KeyCheck ?")
(makeassign "CD32Inst" (safe))
(set #CDDevice_NC "CD0" )
(set #CDDevice_NC
(prompt "\n\nWhat is the name of the CD-ROM device?\n\n"
"(The trailing colon MUST NOT be present)"
(default #CDDevice_NC )
(help "\n\nThis is the name under which AmigaDOS references the "
"CD-Rom as. While usually "
", it can be any name you choose. "
"\n\nThe trailing : (colon) MUST NOT be present." )
(complete 30)
(working "\n\nLaunching the FindCD32 program to find "
"the Device and Unit of your CD-Rom..."
"\n\nNote that the CacheCDFS MUST be already installed and running!")
(if (NOT (exists "CD32Inst:FindCD32"))
(abort "\n\nCould not find the FindCD32 program!")
(set #Product ( run (cat "CD32Inst:FindCD32 " #CDDevice_NC) ( safe ) ) )
(if ( NOT (= #Product 0) )
(abort "\nCould not find your CDROM hardware!"
"\n\nThe CacheCDFS MUST be already installed and running! "
"\n\nYour CD-Rom MUST be installed as " #CDDevice_NC "!")
( set #CDROM_Device (getenv "CDROM_Device" ))
(complete 50)
(set #FKey
(prompt "Select the funktion key which starts the CD32-Emulator during bootup")
(help "\n\nHere you must select the function key you wish to use for "
"booting into CD32-Emulation. If you press this key while you "
"boot, the CD32-Emulator will be started instead of your normal "
(default 9)
(choices "F1" "F2" "F3" "F4" "F5" "F6" "F7" "F8" "F9" "F10")
(set #FKey (+ #FKey 50))
(set #CD32_Name "NotPresent")
(if (exists "CD32Inst:CD32-Demo" )
(set #CD32_Name "CD32-Demo")
(if (exists "CD32Inst:TandemCD32" )
(set #CD32_Name "TandemCD32")
(if (exists "CD32Inst:CD1200_CD32" )
(set #CD32_Name "CD1200_CD32")
(if (exists "CD32Inst:CD32" )
(set #CD32_Name "CD32")
(if (= #CD32_Name "NotPresent")
(abort "\n\nCould not find a CD32-Emulator!")
(set #CD32_Path (getassign "CD32Inst"))
(source "CD32Inst:KeyCheck")
(dest "C:")
(if (exists (tackon "DEVS:" #CDROM_Device) )
((set #Expansion 0))
(if #Expansion
(set #Expansion ( NOT (askbool
(prompt "\n\nIs your CD-Rom controller an Autoboot controller ?")
(default 0 )
(help "\n\nChoose \"YES\" if your controller is an autoboot controller "
"and \"NO\" if not!")
(if #Expansion
(set #BindDrivers " C:BindDrivers\n")
(if (NOT #Expansion)
(set #BindDrivers "")
(complete 80)
( protect "S:Startup-Sequence" "-e +rwsd" )
(if (NOT (exists "S:Startup-Sequence.std" ))
(rename "S:Startup-Sequence" "S:Startup-Sequence.std")
(dest "S:Startup-Sequence" )
(append ";**********************************************************\n"
";* CD32-Emulator © 1994 - 1997 Elaborate Bytes, O. Kastl *\n"
(append "\n")
(append "C:Assign T: RAM:\n")
(append "C:Assign ENV: RAM:\n")
(append "C:KeyCheck " #FKey "\n")
(append "if warn\n")
(append #BindDrivers)
(append " ")
(append (tackon #CD32_Path #CD32_Name) "\n")
(append "endif\n\n")
(append "C:Execute S:Startup-Sequence.std\n")
(append "EndCLI >NIL:\n")
( protect "S:Startup-Sequence" "-e +rwsd" )
( if (NOT @pretend )
((if ( run "CD32Inst:PutPrefs NonLace" )
(abort "\n\nPutPrefs program failed!")
(complete 90)
(dest (tackon "CD32Inst:" #CD32_Name) )
(settooltype "DOSDEV" #CDDevice_NC )
(complete 100)
(makeassign "CD32Inst" (safe))